Stoned Sex: Using Cannabis To Enhance Solo Or Partnered Play

Your sex ed teacher is back, and this time we’re discussing sex, weed, and CBD.
Bobby Box
Sex Columnist
February 24, 2025
min. read
Stoned Sex: Using Cannabis To Enhance Solo Or Partnered Play
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If you’re a regular cannabis user, there’s a good chance you’ve had stoned sex. And if you’re anything like me, you think it’s pretty damn great.

When I consume cannabis, I’m typically confronted by the three H’s. I get happy, I get hungry, and I get horny. My reasoning is simple: I love mac and cheese when I’m sober, it just tastes exceptionally better when I’m stoned. As it turns out, so does ass.

While cannabis is not necessary for a rewarding sexual encounter (at least not for me personally), I’ve found it enhances the experience. My extremities tingle, I become deeply intimate and insatiable.

But, I’d be remiss to not acknowledge that cannabis affects all people differently. Unfortunately, research on the subject is limited. In order to study cannabis, researchers must jump through a series of government-mandated hoops to acquire a specific drug license that is historically difficult to acquire.

Due to these hurdles, researchers generally rely on self-reported surveys which have already found troves of benefits regarding sex. One survey of mention comes from online cannabis delivery marketplace, Eaze, who recently partnered with Lioness, a sex toy company who specializes in smart technology, to survey 432 individuals on cannabis’s effects on sex. Using this information, we can make better-informed decisions when using cannabis in the bedroom.  

Believe the boner-ific benefits

Eaze’s research found four key benefits regarding cannabis and sex. First, respondents noticed that their sexual sessions tended to last longer, both when they were solo (64%) and with a partner (73%).

The second benefit was that, even though sexual sessions lasted longer, respondents reached orgasm quicker when solo (63%) and with a partner (71%). This could be influenced by longer foreplay sessions, or, it could be that cannabis encourages more orgasms both when solo (43%) and with a partner (48%).

Since orgasm is not an indicator of a satisfactory sexual experience, Eaze’s survey found “pleasure sessions” were more satisfying when solo (85%) and partnered (79%).

Try different products

There are many wonderful ways to consume cannabis and you undoubtedly have your faves. But when it comes to sex, Eaze’s survey insists that THC-infused edibles and vapes are the most effective products  for enhancing sex.

Proper dosing can take a while to figure out, especially with edibles. You’re best advised to start low, slow, and solo. Consider microdosing to start.

Since edibles take longer to onset  (because they must first pass through the digestive system), people often take too much because they don’t see instant results. Start with doses 5mg or lower, because over-consumption can cause erectile dysfunction, paranoia and sedation.

A fantastic and lesser-known product on the market are CBD suppositories, which help relax the area and treat potential inflammation when engaging in anal and vaginal sex. THC-infused lubricants are a similarly effective option. But, like edibles and suppositories, you can’t expect instant results.

Before you experience its effects, the THC must be absorbed into the body, and therefore should be applied roughly 10 to 30 minutes prior to sexual activity

Seek out properties that suit your needs

Since everybody experiences cannabis differently, recommending a universal strain for better sex is impossible. But there are fan favorites and certain properties within cannabis that are generally agreed on.  

If you’ve noticed your sex drive has taken a hit since the pandemic (you are not alone), aim for strains with high levels of the terpene limonene, and other indica-dominant, high-THC hybrids.

Eaze’s survey found respondents reported cannabis helped them find sex toys more pleasurable. If you’re isolated alone, strains containing the terpene linalool, known for its calming effects and euphoria, are favored for solo sex.

If you experience anxiety before or during sex, research has found these strains are most effective: Bubba Kush, Skywalker OG Kush, Blueberry Lamsbread and Kosher Kush.

Though more research is required, past studies have found that indicas are the preferred strain for pain relief. So if you experience sexual pain from time to time, your safest bet are indica strains containing terpenes such as beta-caryophyllene, humulene, myrcene, and caryophyllene.

If you don’t have the time or patience to examine the individual properties in each strain, you can choose from the many strains formulated specifically for sexual purposes, like arouse thc-plus by Dosist.

See what the buzz is about

There are a great number of ways that cannabis can enhance sex, just as there are many different ways to consume. Whether used as an aphrodisiac (married folks were the most likely to report increased duration of partner sessions with cannabis), to treat sexual pain or discomfort, to connect more deeply with your partner, or to treat sex-related anxieties, the cannabis plant has proven itself a wonderful sexual aid. Now, it’s just up to you to find out how you can use it to best suit your needs.


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