Mucho Macho: What Does Masc Mean in a Queer Context?

Despite the name, masc is about more than putting on a face. So, what does masc mean? Learn about this gay subculture and what it means to be masculine.
Editorial team
October 16, 2024
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The LGBTQ community is no stranger to labels. Sure, nobody wants to be put in a box by someone else, but some boxes feel cozy and familiar enough that we find ourselves curling up inside and purring.

Masc is one such identity that many queer folks feel attached to. You’ve likely seen it on a few Grindr dating profiles, but is it something you can call yourself? Let’s unmask the true meaning behind this popular term and see what sort of chiseled jawline we’re really dealing with.

What does masc mean?

Masc is short for “masculine.” That’s the basic meaning of masc, but there are many different connotations of masc in the LGBTQ community.

Masc doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with a person’s sexuality or gender identity, and you certainly don’t have to be male or super manly to call yourself masc. Still, it often denotes that a gay or queer person’s identity or presentation skews toward the traditionally masculine. Just like a person may want to be perceived as femme, it can be gender-affirming and downright comfy for someone to present as masc.

The beauty of this label lies in its versatility. Masc doesn’t necessarily mean “male.” The term is used to describe people of all gender identities, including gay and transmasculine men. But we’re here to make it clear: You’re the only one who gets to decide if you resonate with a group or subculture. If identifying as masc brings you joy and affirmation, then flex that term like your gym gains, bro.

How is masc used?

Like many words that found their way into the gay glossary, masc was born out of necessity. For transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people, masc provides a helpful indicator of one’s penchant for manly aesthetics, but it stops short of indicating a male gender identity. A genderfluid person might be feeling particularly masc some days, but that doesn’t mean they identify as a man.

Lesbians may also present in a masc way or even identify as masc, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t women. Gender’s funny like that, huh?

For gay men, masc has a bit of baggage, given stereotypes surrounding masculinity, femininity, and traditional gender roles (even self-imposed ones). A good example is the phrase “masc4masc,” which is majorly contentious among gay men. On one hand, there’s nothing wrong with calling yourself masc if it’s what makes you feel good. On the other, the phrase is often used as a calling card among gay men to exclude guys they see as “too gay” (whatever that means).

Needless to say, it’s a bit of a minefield figuring out where and why to use the term masc. However, the best way to handle these identifiers is to keep an open mind and refrain from judgment. LGBTQ tribes are a powerful way for queer people to find community and feel a sense of belonging.

Butch vs. masc

You might see people use the terms butch and masc interchangeably to describe someone with traditionally masculine traits. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find their use cases are often quite different.

Butch is a specific term among lesbian communities, so you probably won’t see it on Grindr if your settings indicate a preference for men. A self-proclaimed butch showcases overt masculine energy or appearance. The line between butch and transmasculine is often fuzzy — the kind of distinction many a PhD thesis has been written about.

Conversely, “masc” sidesteps much of this discussion by being far broader. Masculine presenting individuals run the gamut of gender and sexual expression. A masc presentation also tends to be more fluid, whereas a butch presentation has a more clear-cut rubric, meaning most butch lesbians have generally agreed upon what does and doesn’t qualify as butch. 

In short, you’ll never get a black-and-white answer out of a rainbow community — and we wouldn’t have it any other way!


How to look like a masc person

Do you want to know how to look more masc on your dating profile or in real life? We’re so glad you asked! Here are some suggestions to present more masc every day.

A masculine haircut

It’s a simple solution, albeit an effective one; just get into a fight with a lawnmower! Truthfully, you don’t have to go full buzz cut or cueball to serve masc. Mullets, fades, pompadours — there are countless styles to bring out your boyish side. And a well-groomed beard can take it over the top!

Adjust your style

Suit and tie? Flannel and jeans? What about a classic white tank top? There’s endless masculine clothing to suit any flavor of fella. Dressing in traditionally masculine garb is an easy way to instantly look more masc.

Get swole

Masc individuals often get satisfaction from growing their muscles. Exercise and healthy eating can lead to a more adonis-like physique, making it easier for you to seem more masculine to others. Just don’t go full Gaston; five dozen eggs sounds like a lot of cholesterol.

Change your man-nerisms

Although we don’t recommend “manspreading” on the bus, there are many traditionally masc behaviors you can start practicing. Note that masculine and feminine behavior are nebulous concepts, so this means something different to everyone.

Also, steer clear of toxic masculinity. You don’t need to be aggressive or rude to be a man. You just have to be swift as a coursing river. (That’s the last Disney reference, we promise.)

Get some assistance from a binder or muscle suit

Trans men often use binders to minimize gender dysphoria by compressing their chest. Just do yourself a favor and wear a purpose-built binder; DIY solutions can be painful and even dangerous.

Muscle suits are another option if you want to combat dysphoria. They can cover the entire body and add to your musculature. Still, they might not be the most subtle or comfortable option.

Pack your pants

Whatcha packin’? If you’re trying to bolster your bulge to appear more masculine, we say stuff it! Use socks, scarves, or even a prosthetic penis to give yourself a more prominent package.

An affinity for masculinity

Are you focused on your gains and your grind? Are you constantly opening doors for people? Then you might be masc. Beyond the stereotypes, presenting more masc can be a liberating practice for those who want to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Masc, femme, or just delightfully here and queer — you’ll find your match on Grindr. Download the Grindr app today to get started!

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