Small Screen Queens: 19 Queer and Gay TV Characters

The gays always know how to put on a show. But these 19 iconic gay TV characters really put the “cont” in “content.”
Editorial team
February 24, 2025
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Ever since the first director called “action,” gays have ruled Hollywood. The same holds true for TV. From early sitcoms to contemporary dramas, television series have provided the backdrop for groundbreaking gay and queer stories. 

Now, it’s time to celebrate some of the most iconic examples of gay TV characters. 


19 iconic queer and gay TV characters

They came, they slayed, they conquered the status quo with radical love and representation. These 19 unforgettable characters brought gender and sexuality to the forefront of pop culture with stories that still have us gagged.

1. Will Truman — Will & Grace

Will Truman, played by Eric McCormick, was the fan clack heard ’round the world for gay television characters. And not because he was unapologetically gay. Will & Grace was one of the first TV shows with gay characters that didn’t feel like a caricature come to life. The series was praised for breaking stereotypes and showcasing realistic gay friendships. Will’s character was funny, relatable, and anything but a cliché.

2. Ellen Morgan — Ellen 

Ellen Morgan, the title character of the hit sitcom Ellen, is an all-time iconic gay TV character. That’s because the character’s coming out on the show was also a public coming out for Ellen DeGeneres herself. She’s since been one of the most famous gay actors and lesbian women in history, and it all started with an extreme act of courage that wasn’t necessarily met with glowing reviews at the time. But that’s part of what makes her journey so admirable; she persevered and changed how we think about gay people on television.

3. Kurt Hummel — Glee

Chris Colfer’s character Kurt Hummel was a breakout star of Glee for all the right reasons. He was a proud gay student, and he stood up for himself and his friends in the face of discrimination. This challenged the idea that gay characters on TV were mostly tortured by homophobia. Instead, they could step into their power and say something. It’s a storyline that still resonates with viewers, solidifying Kurt as a role model for the next generation of LGBTQ individuals.

4. (and 5.) Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker — Modern Family

Our lone dual entry on the list is Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker of the highly acclaimed show Modern Family. They’re a package deal, mainly because it wasn’t just their characters that slayed but their fleshed-out relationship. It was portrayed as heartwarming, realistic, and downright hilarious — something many in the show’s target demographic hadn’t seen before. It proved that a storyline about a gay family could be full of love and acceptance — not just hardship or lampoonery.

6. Callie Torres — Grey’s Anatomy 

The honor of our first bisexual entry goes to Callie Torres of Grey’s Anatomy. She’s another gay TV character who wasn’t afraid to embrace her sexuality. Her journey of self-discovery was a focal point of the show, reflecting many viewers’ real-life experiences. It also introduced the concept that sexual orientation can be complex, and that’s completely OK.

7. Jack McFarland — Will & Grace

Icon Jack McFarland wasn’t “Just Jack.” He was an outrageous, hilarious, and confident character — one that might initially seem like a stereotype. But watch the show long enough, and you’ll quickly realize Sean Hayes gave this character impressive depth. Jack was proof that LGBTQ characters didn’t have to be vapid to be flamboyant, that the gay community contains multitudes, and yes — some of those multitudes do include being obsessed with Cher.

8. David Rose — Schitt’s Creek

A more modern queer TV icon, David Rose is one of many oversized personalities on Schitt’s Creek. Dan Levy plays a pansexual diva who’s constantly bouncing between being “over it” and “stressed out by it.” The humor Levy brings to the character is unmatched, but so is the romantic relationship with his partner, Patrick. We were all cheering the lovable curmudgeon David on when this storyline started, and it remains one of the sweeter depictions of a gay relationship on TV.

9. Rue — Euphoria

Zendaya plays the queer teenager Rue on Euphoria, which is already a pretty iconic show to begin with. Her journey is raw, honest, and often a bit uncomfortable. But that discomfort is the appeal; it’s a testament to the modern queer experience, shedding light on the challenges many LGBTQ youth experience today.

10. Elektra Abundance — Pose

Mother has arrived. If you like gay shows and you haven’t seen Pose, you at least need to watch a clip of Elektra Abundance saying… well, anything. She’s a fierce character who is simultaneously enviable and terrifying. But beyond that, her resilience and wisdom highlight the struggles of trans individuals and the importance of a chosen family. For queer people, that type of representation is something to celebrate.

11. Eric Effiong — Sex Education

Ncuti Gatwa breathes so much life into Eric Effiong, one of the main characters of the incredible show Sex Education. He brings a bold vibrance to Eric’s story that’s both relatable and inspiring. Eric is iconic for his lovability and, much like Rue, for presenting a complex story of queerness that centers on the importance of exploration and self-acceptance.

12. Shane McCutcheon — The L Word

Shane McCutcheon, played by Katherine Moennig, is a quintessential “bad girl” in The L Word. With her androgynous style and magnetic charm, Shane navigates love and heartbreak in the lesbian community. She’s one of the original lesbian characters in TV shows that made a big splash on the small screen. Nowadays, we get our sapphic messiness from reality dating shows; back then, this was the show.

13. Sophia Burset — Orange Is the New Black

Laverne Cox pours everything into Sophia Burset, her breakout role in the prison drama OITNB. Not only does the story amplify trans voices and struggles — it gets specific, highlighting how the prison system victimizes these members of our community. But Sophia’s power as a transgender icon doesn’t come from a place of sadness; it comes from a place of hope.

14. Rosa Diaz — Brooklyn 99

Meanwhile, on the other side of the criminal justice system, Rosa Diaz is a bisexual icon whose sexuality is explored throughout the hit comedy Brooklyn 99. She’s presented as a strong representation of women in law enforcement. But one of the great things about Rosa is that her sexuality is almost incidental; so much else about Rosa is equally, if not more compelling, which just goes to show how far we’ve come with queer characters.

15. Roger Smith — American Dad

When you think of LGBTQ characters, animated alien Roger Smith may not come to mind. But even if Seth McFarlane’s intent wasn’t to create an intergalactic gay icon, Roger’s character makes it unavoidable. He’s constantly swapping identities, often playing on different sexualities and genders, sometimes within the same episode — if not the same scene. This orientation whiplash is everything you would expect from a genderfluid drama queen with pansexual panache.

16. Titus Andromedon — Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Say it with us: Pinot Noir, caviar, Myanmar, midsize car. Titus Andromedon is a fabulous and flamboyant gay man who’s full of heart. Although some of his antics and personality traits might seem surface-level, actor Tituss Burgess and the writers put a lot of effort into grounding the character in reality — a tall order considering the show’s absurdity. But things like his relationship with Mikey bring wholesomeness to this over-the-top character.

17. Blanca Evangelista — Pose

You better believe we have another Pose entry for you. Michaela Jaé Rodriguez as Blanca Evangelista is equally as mother as Elektra (though the show’s storyline will fight you on that). She’s nurturing and fierce, with a compelling narrative that makes you want to root for her at every step. The way Blanca’s story portrays the transgender experience is legendary, which is why the show will go down in LGBTV history.

18. Oscar Martinez — The Office

Oscar Martinez, played by Oscar Nunez, is a voice of reason in The Office’s chaotic world. As an openly gay character, Oscar navigates the challenges of working in a predominantly straight environment with humor and grace (mostly because he doesn’t have much choice). His character adds depth to the show and positively represents gay men of color in the workplace.

19. Pray Tell — Pose

OK, yes, this is our third entry for Pose. But if you’ve seen the show, can you really blame us? Each of these characters (and all the rest, truth be told) are so iconic that we could write an entire article about how they’ve impacted queer visibility in the media. Billy Porter’s powerful portrayal of Pray Tell brought the ballroom scene to life, making Pray Tell one of the more unforgettable gay TV characters.

Get the gay on the TV; I’m watching that

Some of these queer characters made TV history for their hilarious antics — others for their passion and compelling storylines. But the one thing all of them have in common (aside from them being gay AF) is that they brought LGBTQ triumphs and tribulations into people’s homes worldwide. And for that, we have no choice but to finger-clap.

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